Don't Let Them Kill Your Dog
by James Jaeger

With the advent of the World Wide Web, a technology known as Simple Mail Transport Protocol -- or "email" -- became popular. SMTP servers distributing millions of emails gave small businessmen, writers, artists and entrepreneurs the ability to advertise as easily as major corporations. Indeed, for the first time businesses could communicate with customers and seek out new ones by sending out emails. And, unlike TV and radio advertising or spreads in newspapers and magazines, each email cost little or nothing to send.

This new communications technology created exuberance and possibility for millions of cash-starved businesses. With this it was only natural that emails would flood the Internet offering new and exciting products and services -- but offered without the high cost of traditional, Madison Avenue-type advertising enjoyed only by the big corporations.

The new technology of emails was understandably greeted with praise and horror as implications of the changes it would cause sank into the minds of the Established corporate and political world. Let's take a closer look at what happened.

Marketing 101:

Marketing is concerned with sales to existing and new customers. The act of selling a product or service to a new customer is what's known in the world of sales and marketing as a "cold call" or "cold calling". Wickipedia defines "cold calling" as:

"Cold calling is the marketing process of approaching prospective customers or clients-typically via telephone, by email or through making a connection on a social network-who were not expecting such an interaction. The word "cold" is used because the person receiving the call is not expecting a call or has not specifically asked to be contacted by a sales person. A cold call is usually the start of a sales process generally known as telemarketing."

Although Wiki acknowledges that a "cold call" can originate through telephone, email or social network, it fails to mention that such is an "unsolicited" communication. Thus a more accurate definition of a "cold call" would be:

A "cold call" is the act of soliciting a new prospect by any means with the intent of selling them a product or service."

The key to understanding a "cold call" is the phrase "soliciting a new prospect." Merriam -Webster defines "solicit" as:

1. to make petition to; entreat.
2. to approach with a request or plea.
3. to urge (as one's cause) strongly.

Thus the act of "soliciting" is the act of asking for sales, asking a person if they wish to buy some product or service.



Thus, every company on the face of Earth must advertise, sell and market its products and services: in other words "solicit."


All of this is Marketing 101 and should make perfect sense to the rational mind. All of this is practiced on Madison Avenue and has been for centuries. It should thus be obvious that every major corporation that exists today, had to make "cold calls" in order to start out and expand. It should also be obvious that every such company continues to make "cold calls" to this very day. The "cold calls" that Fortune 500 corporations make however are quite a bit more sophisticated than emails: they are multi-million dollar TV spots, billboards along highways, full-page layouts in magazines or newspapers and radio announcements. Almost every one of these advertising contacts is a "cold call" because 99% of these corporations do not know you and have not received express permission from you allowing them to solicit you to purchase their products or services. So, every time you watch TV, marketing executives on Madison Avenue in New York City (just like Don Draper in MAD MEN) are delivering "cold calls" to YOU without YOUR permission. They are sending you "UNSOLICITED" communications all day long. They are seeking contact with you, a new prospect, for their sales. You are "new business". New business expands a company. A company expands on sales, especially UNSOLICITED SALES to NEW people. If there are no sales to new people, there is no expansion.


If there is no expansion, the business dies sooner or later because, if you aren't expanding, you are contracting. As a business dies it no longer hires people OR competes with other businesses.

The Necessity of Solicitation:

If a company does not SOLICIT new people to sell its products to, it is impossible for that company to expand. A business that does not expand never grows beyond the point of a start-up and eventually fails. A business must thus constantly offer its products and services to an expanding list of (email) contacts or it will fail. In order to offer products and services to an expanding list of (email) contacts, a business cannot rely on just word-of-mouth or referrals from existing customers. A business must constantly reach out -- solicit -- totally new people who were NOT EXPECTING the reach, the ad, the solicitation, the cold call -- the email.

Again, all Fortune 500 corporations were once start-ups. These corporations used "cold calls" -- UNSOLICITED communications -- in order to expand. Expansion, the ability of a business to grow, is based on the ability to reach out to new customers -- make "cold calls" to new customers.




The Corporate Fascist:

As discussed in the movie, CORPORATE FASCISM, a new form of fascism has emerged. This form is the partnership of big government and big corporations whereby the corporations influence legislation. They do this by "cold calling" congressmen and soliciting them for support on issues that will benefit mainly their STOCKHOLDERS rather than WE THE PEOPLE. In exchange for favorable legislation, corporations finance the campaigns of such government officials through intermediaries known as "lobbyists". Lobbyists are collectively known as "K-Street firms" because so many of them cluster on, and around, K-Street in Washington DC, just around the corner from the Capitol, the Congressional office buildings and the White House.

The people that "buy" congress -- known as "corporate fascists" -- thus use the power of the state to re-configure laws to suit their interests. This article suggests that one such law they have written or influenced is the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003.


The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, a "product" of the 108th Congress, was signed into law by President George W. Bush on 16 December 2003. This Act established the United States' first national standard for the sending of commercial email and requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to enforce its provisions.(6)

In the words of the Act, the purpose of CAN-SPAM is "To regulate interstate commerce by imposing limitations (LIMIT) and penalties on the transmission of unsolicited commercial electronic mail (SPEECH) via the Internet." In other words, when one removes the padding of modifying adjectives and prepositional phrases, the purpose of the Act is to LIMIT SPEECH via the Internet.

The acronym "CAN-SPAM" comes from the bill's full name which is "Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act of 2003." The bill was sponsored in Congress by the Established parties, specifically Senator Ron Wyden (a Democrat) and Senator Conrad Burns (a Republican).

As one can see, the word "spam" has been specifically converted into an acronym that clearly associates "spam" with "pornography" and "marketing" -- the ultimate implication generated in the public mind being:




The law thus depends on the old adage:

BEFORE THEY CAN SHOOT YOUR DOG, THEY MUST DECLARE IT MAD. In other words, before you can vilify the legitimate sales and marketing practice of "cold calls" you must declare it "spam."


Taking a deeper look, Wickipedia defines "spam" as follows:

"Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages, especially advertising, indiscriminately."

Under the heading of "Email Address Harvesting, Wiki proffers the further idea that:

"Spam differs from other forms of direct marketing in many ways, one of them being that it costs little more to send to a larger number of recipients than a smaller number. For this reason, there is little pressure upon spammers to limit the number of addresses targeted in a spam run, or to restrict it to persons likely to be interested."

Although the CAN-SPAM Act does NOT specifically forbid unsolicited commercial emails, the law DOES stipulate in Section 5 that such emails must provide "clear and conspicuous identification that the message is an advertisement or solicitation." This, pursuant to Section 11, can be accomplished by writing the characters "ADV" -- or other comparable identifier -- in the subject line of the email.

As an interesting side note, the CAN-SPAM Act does not mention the word "spam" at all except as an acronym in the title of the Act.

Equally interesting is the fact that the word "unsolicited" is only mentioned 12 times in the 20-page document. Read the full Act at

Spam Nazis:

Clearly what could be called "Spam Nazis" are parked all around the Internet -- people and organizations that want to go farther than the Act in limiting free speech for one reason or another on the "grounds" that it is "spam." One such specimen states the following about spam:

"While the CAN-SPAM laws are important, we don't feel they go far enough. Our definition of spam goes beyond the laws in most countries; Spam is any email you send to someone who hasn't given you their direct permission to contact them on the topic of the email."(4)

So the Spam Nazi's get to define spam: what's appropriate advertising for 30 million small businesses?! What this boils down to is vigilantes operating under the color of law in order to intimidate small business-competition and people with political views unaligned to their own. And the idea that one must give "direct permission" before they may "contact them" can only be interpreted as behavior we have seen in Nazi concentration camps. Thus the appropriate term: "Spam Nazis."

It is evident that apologists for established corporations and the political status quo -- the Democrats and Republicans -- are overtly and covertly pushing for the total ban of unsolicited email. If so, this will destroy the ability for 30 million small businesses to reach out and expand their unique commercial and political horizons.

Good Aspects of CAN-SPAM:

Interestingly the CAN-SPAM Act does provide some reasonable regulations that can be summed up as "truth in advertising." Specifically the Act states that accurate and friendly "subject" lines are required as well as accurate "to" and "from" lines. A legitimate physical address or post office box of the sender is also required. If the email is sexually explicit, it must be labeled "sexually explicit" and no such material may be observable unless the email is actively opened.

The CAN-SPAM Act also stipulates that an "unsubscribe" mechanism must be easily accessible and one who does "opt-out" from an email list must be removed from such list within 10 days. The opt-opt functionality must also be workable for at least 30 days from the time the email was sent out.

Spam Reports:

One flaw in the CAN-SPAM Act, however is, people who are given a valid "opt-out" function should have no need to also file "spam reports" unless they "need" to display vindictiveness towards the sender. Since the Act does not even mention the word "spam" AND since "unsolicited" emails ARE completely legal (as discussed above), the Act should provide recourse to senders who suffer damaging "spam reports" from disgruntled people especially if such can opt-out of lists and even be protected when placed on "suppression lists" -- lists of people/emails who have opted-out.

The Act should also provide that people who are on such "suppression lists" -- be identified to senders if they file a "spam report" -- especially after opting-out. A sender has a right to be confronted by his or her accusers and ISPs (such as Yahoo, AOL, EarthLink, Hotmail and Gmail, etc.), list administrators and organizations like SPAMHAUS and SPAM COP have no right to withhold such information. Just as there are people and entities that abuse email with improperly targeted "spam" there are people and entities that file frivolous and damaging "spam reports" -- often in an attempt to exact retribution and/or shut down competition and/or suppress people with certain political, economic, religious and/or social views, as mentioned above.

Just as the false accusation of "anti-Semite" can be damaging, the false accusation of "spammer" can likewise be damaging.

The Act should be revised to give those damaged (by censored "do not mail" lists, etc.) a remedy-at-law against what could be called "spamaphobics". Internet Service Providers and Wide Area Networks such as Yahoo, AOL, EarthLink, Hotmail and Gmail, etc., that make it irresponsibly easy for their customers to hit "spam buttons" that disseminate "abuse reports" to list administrators, ISPs and/or other "policing" organizations, should be held accountable under (libel and/or defamation) laws.

Small Businesses:

So why is all this important to recognize? It's important because "small businesses" -- defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees -- represent over 99% of all employers in the United States. Such businesses employ half of all private sector workers and generate 44% of the total U.S. payroll. Small businesses, which are 52% home-based, hire 43 percent of the high-tech workers in the country and have generated 65% of the new-economy jobs over the past 20 years.(1)

Thus if the unemployment rate is UP, it's because the employment rate at small businesses is DOWN.

It is clear that any government or K-Street sponsored legislation that inhibits a primary tool used by small businesses -- email -- will have serious unintended consequences on the nation's economy and morale.

But this point does not pervade the Spam Nazis' consciousness for such seem to be clueless about the importance of "unsolicited" advertising ("cold call" emails) for the small business even though more than half of the United States' GDP and over 97 percent of its exports come from such entities.(1)

If small businesses cannot fully enjoy their right to inexpensive speech provided by the mass communication technology of emails -- how are they to compete with the more established corporations who can afford multi-million dollar advertising campaigns over a host of venues?

The disadvantaging of small businesses is particularly troubling when one considers that such produce 13 times more patents per employee than big corporations. Put bluntly, if small businesses are suppressed, society stagnates to a lesser or greater degree.(1)




Unsolicited Mail:

But the whole idea behind the corporate fascist and the cultural Marxist's strategy IS to cripple, not only the middle class, but free-market capitalism.

The redefining of words such as "unsolicited" mail -- again a legitimate sales and marketing technique -- into in terms of porn and cheap meat (i.e., Hormel's SPAM) is just one of the tools being applied by cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School to corrupt and destroy the American Republic. (See http://www.Cultural for DVD on the subject.)

Inhibiting the ability to advertise through the inexpensive technology of unsolicited mass email-dissemination places 30 million small businesses at disadvantage and gives corporate fascists in the Fortune 500 a green-light to steal universal market share. (See for DVD on the subject.)

When one takes a closer look at the term "unsolicited," this term reveals itself as a foolish misnomer. As discussed above, "cold calls" DEPEND on "unsolicited" communication -- they ARE "unsolicited" communication. "Unsolicited" communication is good. It's perfectly okay and, in fact, a God-given right -- not some state-approved license. You don't need to ASK a person if you can talk to them -- or even solicit or sell them something. You simply exercise your God-given right to speak freely, offering a product or service in exchange for money or something of value. This is known as "sales" and the coordinated action of many sales is known as "marketing." Again, unsolicited communications -- what Spam Nazis have vilified as "spam" -- are thus an integral part of life and marketing.

If a person says "no" to your "unsolicited" offer, you withdraw -- you don't further try to "sell" them. And you don't use "hard sales" tactics in order to force or trick them into changing their minds. You simply thank them for their time and withdraw. In the realm of email, you give them a means to "opt-out" of a "mailing list." You thank them for their time and you leave them alone. They do not want, do not need or can't afford, the product you are selling at this time.

All of the above is standard, traditional sales technology that has been used in America for centuries. Sales is supposed to be a gentle activity because it is a necessary and unavoidable part of commerce, just as is production. If there is no production or no sales there is no commerce.

Communication Control:

Another problem with the term "unsolicited" is that it implies that the person receiving the message has the sole right to control the communication. It also implies that the sales message must be solicited before it can be sent. This is ridiculous and suppressive because again, "cold calls" are the basis of expansion. If they are not permitted, one must incestuously sell to the same market. "Repeat business," as it is called in the world of marketing, does NOT foster expansion like "cold calls" and "unsolicited" advertising.

To pound this concept in: any impediment to "unsolicited" communication is not only an assault on free-speech, its ultimately an assault on capitalism and the Bill of Rights. But this is exactly what the Spam Nazi-mentality is attempting to accomplish -- the expansion NOT of small free-market businesses championed by the U.S. Constitution, but the expansion of a global, totalitarian corporate state.

Sales Make the World Go Round:

When one solicits, they are simply offering a product and asking for a sale. This is what makes the world go round: the production of a product and the selling of that product by soliciting a buyer. So if solicitation -- asking for the sale -- is what makes the world go round, why has the word "unsolicited" been bastardized and by whom? Recall Wiki's definition of spam:

"Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send UNSOLICITED bulk messages, especially advertising, indiscriminately."

As we can clearly see, Wiki is part of the cultural problem of associating the word "unsolicited" with the word "spam". Also recall, the word "spam" has been associated with the word "porn". Thus, we can see "critical theory" at work, as described in the movie CULTURAL MARXISM. Perpetrated by the Frankfort School's cultural Marxists, critical theorists and cultural pessimists march through American's institutions "spamming" the subliminal message:


Thus, "do-gooder" Establishment politicians have knowingly or unknowingly "justified" a law to "protect" the public from spammed "porn", a public that -- according to Section 2, clause A(2) of the CAN-SPAM Act -- is mostly comprised of deceptive frauds. To wit:

"Unsolicited electronic mail is currently estimated to account for over half of all electronic mail traffic, up from an estimated 7 percent in 2001, and the volume continues to rise. Most of these messages are fraudulent or deceptive in one or more respects."

But the most unintended government consequence of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (and its sister revision, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2012) is this Act is being used by email advertising firms -- known as "list managers" or "contact managers" -- to suppress, inhibit and terminate cold-call advertising through emails.

The FCC, operating on the CAN-SPAM Act, has empowered Internet police agencies -- such as SPAMHAUS and SPAM COP -- to, in effect, regulate if not terrify "list administrators" and "email list managers -- such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, Listserv, etc. -- with threats of shutting down domain names and their entire company.(3) This means that clients of such companies are subjected to intensive interrogation of their email lists on the "grounds" that they have received "spam reports". Again, these "spam reports" have no legal authority if the sender has complied with the provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act as above discussed. Nevertheless, the act of re-naming legitimate "cold calls" and "unsolicited" email advertising as "spam" -- with abundant negative connotations -- "legitimizes" such interrogation sessions in the minds of Spam Nazis and Establishment apologists.(2)

None of this can be Constitutional, for the Bill of Rights guarantees every American the uninfringed right to free speech. And indeed the Act wisely does NOT go so far as to limit "unsolicited" email, aka "spam." But, having such speech characterized as "spam" by private entities in their "service agreements" and further stigmatized by language like "suppression lists," "do not email lists," "clean lists," "spam-free lists," "opt-in email lists," "permission email lists" -- is detrimental to 30 million small businesses that depend on email "spam".

Improving the Act:

As stated above the CAN SPAM Act of 2003 has some good provisions -- provisions that have remedied REAL abuses that actually DID occur in the early days of the email exuberance. The mandatory opt-out mechanism and physical address requirement alone are two of these and they have greatly improved everyone's email experience.

Unfortunately, the requirement that email harvesting (by net spiders/robots and dictionary list compiling) can no longer be done is VERY bad for small businesses. This limitation MUST be removed from future versions of the CAN SPAM Act. Here's why.

Anyone, especially small businesses, should be allowed to "harvest" as many emails as they want and in anyway possible. One should then be permitted to do send out large numbers of emails as a "cold call" PROVIDED such send is one-time and has an opt-IN provision. As an example: you send out to 500,000 people and 25,000 opt-in or purchase. This 25,000 become your new customers or repeat business. Yes, it was an "indiscriminant" send, but how else are you going to find these new customers, people that have opted-in for YOUR express products and services? Imagine how your small business would grow with 25,000 new customers now and then. Imagine the cash flow you would now have to:

1. hire new employees;
2. research new and improved products;
3. deliver faster and better;
4. finance further marketing activities;
5. operate and produce without bank loans.

Of course the major corporations that influenced the enactment of the CAN SPAM Act have ALL imagined these things, to their horror. And this is exactly WHY they have shut YOU down, Mr. Small Businessman. "Competition is a sin" as the late John D. Rockefeller used to say.

Society must NOT tolerate anti-competitive abuse of commerce, hence the lively hoods of millions. BUT Society SHOULD tolerate a certain amount of INDISCRIMINANT mass emails. Again, this is the only way TARGETED leads can be generated in a cost-effective way.

In the name of preventing "porn" and "spam," the CAN SPAM Act actually DESTROYS commerce by destroying the most cost-effective marketing ability of 30 million small businesses and endless artists, musicians, writers, inventors and entrepreneurs.

The Role of Hollywood:

Of the big corporations that especially do NOT want independent artists, musicians, writers or producers effectively competing are the MPAA studios and the major talent agencies. Imagine if independent producers were able to sell original movies with new talents to 25,000 new people every week as a result of email marketing. The studios and agents would go bonkers, if not out of business.

It's thus no surprise that the very term "unsolicited mail" originated with, or was "legitimized" by, the major studios and agencies. It's also no surprise because the studios are dominated by what amounts to liberal, not-very-religious Marxists of European heritage. Entertainment-securities attorney, John W. Cones, explores the demographic that dominates the MPAA studio/distributors in his book, What's Really Going On in Hollywood, an on-line version available for free c/o

The history of "unsolicited mail" accelerates around 1992, before the Web and emails got started. After this date, the MPAA studios went bonker-paranoid about a plagiarism law suit filed by Art Buchwald against Paramount Pictures (an MPAA studio) over an Eddie Murphy picture called COMING TO AMERICA. In essence, Buchwald claimed that Paramount stole his film idea, such idea having been reduced to tangible form as a story synopsis. The details of the alleged theft are in a book called "FATAL SUBTRACTION: The Inside Story of Buchwald v. Paramount" by Pierce O'Donnell and Dennis McDougal. The upshot of all this was that the studios put in place draconian "no unsolicited submissions policies." This meant that if you sent a screenplay to a studio, it would immediately be routed to the legal department, not opened, and returned to the sender with a standard letter stating that:

"Due to the fact that outsiders will inevitably have the same or similar story ideas as studio insiders, the studio cannot accept any unsolicited mail from anyone."

In effect this policy meant, not only could you no longer make "cold calls" to the studios, you couldn't even send them traditional "query letters." A "query letter" is a "cold call" soliciting the interest of an agent or executive in your screenplay or book, extant or proposed. Here again, we see the long-standing, legitimate practice of, not only "cold calls," but "solicitation" itself, being assaulted in connection with contracts of adhesion famously utilized by the Hollywood studios. But now the studios have made taboo the very act of "UNSOLICITED" communications in order to protect themselves from further lawsuits like Buchwald v. Paramount.

This situation reveals itself as particularly irritating as one reads FATAL SUBTRACTION (as I have) and discovers that Paramount may not have been innocent. What ended up happening is the parties settled out of court. They settled when the judge demanded Paramount justify its claim that the movie business is "risky," so risky in fact that it has to cross-collateralize the profits from its various pictures in order to survive. In other words, the good-performers must pay for the poor-performers. The actual facts, according to industry observers, are that movies -- at the major studio level -- are relatively low risk and the poor performers do NOT have to be supported by the good performers. This may be one of the biggest "open secrets" of all, the only other secret that may be as significant is the theory that oil is abiotic, hence unlimited.

So Hollywood, in its Marx-infested greed and paranoia -- played handmaiden to the concept of "unsolicited mail" and this, re-defined by misnomer, the legitimate practice of "cold call" sales as the unsavory practice of "spam". The connotation is that the small businessman's advertisements are little more than the indiscriminant, shot-gunning of unwanted, cheap meat upon the market territory of the major corporations.

Control Freaks:

The mentality that originates, or accepts, the idea that "unsolicited" communication -- whether sales or public service -- is wrong epitomizes the control freak. The control freak isn't happy unless everyone else is dead and only s/he is standing -- selling his or her product as a monopoly. The New York banks in the Federal Reserve System are perfect examples of such monopolistic control freaks. The corporate fascists that use K-Street firms to write the very laws that infringe the rights of WE THE PEOPLE are also control freaks.

Only insane control freaks would advocate no solicitation or label cold-calls as "spam" or stipulate that a person mat NOT approach a new person unless they already KNOW the person being approached. But this insanity -- this broken down think -- is endemic.

In fact, recent studies have shown that incessant face-time with electronic screens rather, than real human interaction, is causing the current generation to atrophy -- if not go on endless psychopathic shooting sprees in schools, universities and movie theaters. Evidence of this "mental dilution" is the fact that today's youth uncritically accept the term "spam" as if it were some technological substitute for satin. And they do this because they have been indoctrinated to do so by the Hollywood-based movie studios and their endless "spam" of violence-oriented, politically correct, Marx-infested, anti-capitalism, anti-Christian, anti-Constitutional/traditional values in the movies.


Simply put, destroy cold-calling or unsolicited communications and you destroy most American businesses.

Characterize the advertising of small American businesses as cheap meat ("spam") and you imply that their products are also cheap meat.

Imply that American businesses produce products that are little more than cheap meat, and you destroy their market.

Destroy the market for independents and small businesses and multinationals and corporate fascists move into those markets with THEIR products and services -- increasingly "cheap meat" themselves.

A market place with a lack of diversity of products and services is a market place characteristic of a Communist society.

A Communist society fits nicely into the Hollywood-based major movie studios and the New York-based mainstream media's plans for a new world order. Again, according to John Cones, the MPAA studios and the New York-based media are dominated by "politically liberal, not-very-religious males of European heritage." Where else does Marxism thrive more than with Hollywood liberals and Europeans enamored with socialism and Keynesian-infested central banking?

So pervasive has the cultural Marxist's "long march through the institutions" been, the current generation can hardly think outside story plot of a movie. Such generation, for instance, accepts the FACEBOOK lunacy that one cannot befriend a person unless they are ALREADY a friend. This shows the current Caught-22 generation is mentally ill or stupid beyond belief from the assault of Hollywood's endless spam of "political correctness."

All of this is taking us down the road of truncated speech and superficial human understanding. This is why freedom of speech was enumerated first clause of the Bill of Rights. If one can only sell to, or be friends with, the group of people they ALREADY sell to or know, how is one free to expand with speech, or even in Life? The short answer is: they aren't. And this seems to be the exact plan for today's new generation of kids.

Those statists who have hijacked the term "spam" from the Hormel Foods Corporation are the same mentalities that have hijacked the word "gay" from the English dictionary; hijacked the word "assault" to vilify the word "weapon" and now are attempting to hijack the word "marriage" to bastardize the spiritual union of a man and a woman. The agenda of the cultural Marxist has so corrupted the moral values of the American citizen, s/he is now capable of participating in some of the worst activities of the corporate fascist: the suppression of the small businessman by re-labeling his or her advertising "spam."

85% of America's citizens work for small businesses. Again, when small businesses can't advertise -- because their advertisements and products are characterized as cheap, raw meat -- these businesses can't sell their products and services. When they can't sell they can't meet payrolls. When they can't generate payroll, millions go unemployed. Don't look now but the millions are unemployed and it's been that way since 2008, start of the Great Recession, courtesy of the Fed-member banks.

When Congress allows large corporate interests to pass laws like the "CAN SPAM Act of 2003" which vilify "cold-call" advertising as "spam", an unintended consequence is less employment because small businesses can't sell products and thus afford to make payrolls.



Americans have been hoodwinked into believing that "spam" and "unsolicited" email is bad. "Spam" is just a made-up term designed to stigmatize the legitimate sales technique known as "cold call" marketing -- a technique every one of the Fortune 500 corporations used to build their market share, and do so to this very day. "Cold calls" are a traditional and legitimate sales technique and have been used by all businesses for decades, if not centuries.

Unfortunately, cultural Marxists and corporate fascists have invented a new term for "cold calls" -- that term is "spam." While most were asleep at the switch, Congress passed the "CAN SPAM Act of 2003" which stigmatizes "cold calls" as "spam" and vilifies legitimate sales communication with the term "unsolicited mail" -- a term popularized by the insular, if not homophobic, Hollywood studios. Thus, under the pretense of "controlling the assault of non-solicited pornography AND marketing" over the Internet, Congress has, in effect, commingled MARKETING with PORNOGRAPHY and suppressed both.

"Cold calls" are not pornography. Pornography is not "cold calls." There are differences. "Unsolicited, cold call" advertising is the way ALL business grow -- whether by email, fliers, advertisements to new markets. If one has to have a pre-existing relationship with someone before advertising or approaching them -- as the insanity of FACEBOOK and SPAM NAZIS demand -- it does not take a genius to realize that one's "small business" will ALWAYS remain small. But this seems to be the goal of big corporations -- especially those large enough to finance the spam-advertising campaigns of pliant congressmen. Thus:


Any person, company, government official or entity that says "spam" or "unsolicited" communications is bad should thus be considered an enemy of the free market system. One should disconnect from such person or entity. They have used "porn" and "child molestation" as their excuse to deem your advertising "spam." When they take the law into their own hands by policing the Internet for "spammers," they remove your First Amendment rights, directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly. Spam Nazi's are no different than Jack Ruby-vigilantes that take up guns and shoot people.


These mentally-ill people have a disease known as Spamaphobia. See Spamaphobia at

The CAN SPAM Act of 2003 was passed so large corporations and multi-nationals could thwart market competition by 30 million small businesses.

The CAN SPAM Act of 2003 was passed so the entrenched political parties could thwart competing political parties and political views.

Such do not want others to have access to an inexpensive marketing tool that can generate serious competition.

Never report unwanted email as "spam." Just click it off your system or set your computer to automatically route unwanted email into your "Deleted Items" or "Recycle Bin". For Outlook Express -- a copy of which came with every Microsoft operating system until just recently -- go to "Tools/Message Rules/Blocked Senders List" and add the unwanted email(s). Think about it: if every computer, in one way or another, has the ability to control "spam" at the local level isn't the CAN SPAM Act really unnecessary? Aren't Spam Nazis unnecessary? This is how you know their mission is political and subversive: they WANT to suppress communications at the macrocosmic level even though the problem can be remedied at the local level with technology.

So never do business with any of these lying Nazis -- or any entity that condones or facilitates the infringement of speech or suppresses the small businessman, entrepreneur, writer or artist's ability to reach out.

You can be sure you will never hear any of this from the established media so please forward this essay to as many family, friends and associate as you can. Doing so is NOT "spamming" -- it's informing WE THE PEOPLE about those things that are important. We will move forward upon Constitutional principles to the degree the Spam Nazis are placed in check. Don't let them kill your dog by characterizing your email efforts as "spam."(8)

--------------------------- (1) Source: Office of Advocacy estimates based on data from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau, and trends from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labour Statistics, Business Employment Dynamics.

(2) The exact notice Constant Contact, for instance, uses to alert clients that they must undergo one of these list interrogation sessions is as follows: "Due to recent activity, your account has been scheduled for review. We conduct account reviews to address list imports, content or reader feedback issues by ensuring your familiarity with the terms and service of your account. This helps to ensure optimal delivery rates for all of our customers by maintaining our strong anti-spam policy. Although you cannot send just yet, your account will be active and billable. During the account review we will work together to better understand these issues and identify solutions to resolve them. You can reach an account review specialist directly by Contacting US."

(3) SPAM COP's mission statement is as follows: "SpamCop is the premier service for reporting spam. SpamCop determines the origin of unwanted email and reports it to the relevant Internet service providers. By reporting spam, you have a positive impact on the problem. Reporting unsolicited email also helps feed spam filtering systems, including, but not limited to, SpamCop's own service. Source

(4) CAMPAIGN MONITOR goes on to state "There is a big difference between having access to an email list, and having permission to send them all email. By using this software you agree to follow our specific permission policy, and in this page we'll discuss some of the common situations where permission is gathered (or not!). While the CAN-SPAM laws are important, we don't feel they go far enough. Our definition of spam goes beyond the laws in most countries; Spam is any email you send to someone who hasn't given you their direct permission to contact them on the topic of the email." Source

(5) Cold calls are a part of direct marketing strategy. From Wiki: "Direct marketing is a channel-agnostic form of advertising that allows businesses and nonprofits organizations to communicate straight to the customer, with advertising techniques that can include Cell Phone Text messaging, email, interactive consumer websites, online display ads, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters, and outdoor advertising. Direct marketing is practiced by businesses of all sizes - from the smallest start-up to the leaders on the Fortune 500. A recent study by the Direct Marketing Association reports that in 2010, marketers - commercial and nonprofit - spent $153.3 billion on direct marketing, which accounted for 54.2% of all ad expenditures in the United States. The term "junk mail," referring to unsolicited commercial ads delivered via post office or directly deposited in consumers' mail boxes, can be traced back to 1954. The term "spam," meaning "unsolicited commercial e-mail," can be traced back to March 31, 1993, although in its first few months it merely referred to inadvertently posting a message so many times on UseNet that the repetitions effectively drowned out the normal flow of conversation. To address the concerns of unwanted emails or spam, in 2003, The US Congress enacted the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act to curb unwanted email messages.

(6) To find out more about the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 see

(7) The full text of the CAN-SPAM ACT is at This Act is 20 pages long and uses the word "unsolicited" 12 times and the word "spam" zero times except in the title acronym. The stated purpose of the CAN-SPAM Act is "To regulate interstate commerce by imposing limitations and penalties on the transmission of unsolicited commercial electronic mail via the Internet."

(8) For history see OPEN LETTER - To Small Businesses, Political Activists, Religious Practitioners, Artists, Writers, Musicians and Entrepreneurs. Are You Spammers?

Originated: 07 April 2013
Revised and Supplemented: 08 April 2013
Revised and Supplemented: 14 April 2013
Summary posted: 15 April 2013
Revised: 17 April 2013

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