Why it is Destructive, if not Impossible

by James Jaeger

When one considers a one-world government or economic system, it's pointless to view such in terms of "good," "evil," or even "necessary evil." One-world government/economic system should be addressed in terms of efficiency and risk. Given this, what it comes down to is CENTRALIZED management vs. DISTRIBUTED management.

A one-world gov/eco management system, by definition, is totalitarian. A totalitarian entity is thus, by operational imperative, a centrally-managed system. Examples of centralized management systems are fascism, communism, socialism, monarchy, dictatorships, mainframe computers and 1950s phone systems. Examples of distributed management systems are democracies, federalism, free-markets, PCs, IP phones, the Internet, birds flying in formation, snow flakes, the human body and star systems. A case could be made that anarchy, liberty and total freedom are also distributed management systems, but with very little management.

Some feel centralized management systems are better than distributed management systems because they promote more equality and prediction. But which type of system -- centralized or distributed -- would provide greater efficiency, freedom, innovation and security for a world; maybe that's a more important question? By observing how the Universe structures itself (and its creations) we can derive the following clues applicable to this question:

1. Nature seems to allocate computing power (decision-making authority) locally where transactions are needed and/or take place. Humans are distributed all over the Earth, each with its own brain operating in accordance with local circumstances. DNA has been distributed to every cell in the human body, thus the human organization does not have to depend on centralized commands in order to assemble or repair itself;

2. Massive redundancy is usually built into the systems, thus they are indestructible. The technology of homo sapien intelligence has been duplicated into over 6.4 billion people spread over the entire world so if any one of them, or 1 billion of them, are destroyed, Humanity, and its knowledge base, will survive. The Internet, a vast redundant, amorphous and self-repairing system, was likewise designed by the Department of Defense so it would be indestructible. On the other hand, a one-world economic system reliant on an intricate network of dependencies is subject to massive collapse as demonstrated in the Fall of 2008 when one country's banking disaster triggered banking disasters in all other countries;

3. Change and upgrades can take place with less disruption of the system when elements of the system are "hot swappable." Also, top-down centralized management systems can only change when orders are issued from above. By the time orders are received and executed, conditions have changed, thus the orders tend to be inappropriate or obsolete. This is the problem the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee constantly battles with: anticipating what interest rates and money supply should be at a distance and in the future for millions of state and community business transactions.

1 - 3 indicate that distributed management systems are superior to centralized management systems.

Biology uses a distributed system because it uses fecundity and evolution to adapt to local conditions. If this were not true, we would not have so many different species and races, each adapting to its indigenous environment, yet, over time sharing survival mechanisms with the distributed network of life. The Universe itself uses this exact methodology as intelligence is so widely distributed, we don't even have any idea whether there IS any other intelligence out there. Given there is (probably only in other galaxies), if such intelligence arrives at a level of technology whereby it has the ability to manage worlds at a distance, would it? The law of distributed intelligence says it wouldn't. Why, because by revelation of its very existence, it would forever alter the course of human development and thus destroy possibly the only thing of value to itself: the uniqueness of the human race, or any successor species on Earth. Why is this uniqueness valuable? Because it represents potentially unique solutions to universal problems. Innovation cannot survive in a homogenous command structure, because a command structure, by definition rejects independent decision-making and independent thinking. Uniqueness can thus ONLY be arrived at under a distributed intelligence system because the key attribute of such a system is non-intervention, hence the fostering of innovation. Intervention causes homogenization and eventually stagnation, the opposites of innovation. Globalization may make the world more profitable, but it will not make it more innovative, and eventually any short-term benefits along these lines will stagnate.

There is a very delicate balance between homogenization and standardization. Whereas standardization can promote communication/industry and innovation, too much standardization becomes homogenization and again, excessive homogenization results in stagnation. This is so true, we can already see the outlines of massive stagnation as a result of globalization, for globalization homogenizes and destroys uniqueness as easily as it destroys borders, countries and cultures. That countries trade with each other their unique products is perfectly desirable. But each country should be under its own management (governance) and be free to distribute its own unique products to other countries under free enterprise trade. Real free enterprises trade does not need any supervision, intervention or taxes. Real free trade therefore does not need any centralized world trade organization, world government or multinational corporations to manage or "facilitate" it. Such management violates the very essence of distributed management because it's the very definition of centralized management. Right now the "free" trade practiced by the WTO and globalists is not free at all, but increasingly centralized managed trade. These centralized management entities, just like the central banks operating out of Basil, Switzerland, are attempting to insert themselves between each party of every transaction that takes place in the world. There is NOTHING free about this except how free such entities feel to operate under false pretenses. And not only are centralizing governments, and their banking partners, attempting to milk every transaction, multinational corporations are completely destroying free enterprise amongst countries, hence their uniqueness of production.

This is the bad news. The good news is this greed-driven, insane centralized international system will eventually crumble because distributed management systems seem to be the preferred technology in the Universe. If so, it's inevitable distributed national systems will reinstate themselves on Earth as well. Thy will be done on Earth as done in Heaven. Again, this would mean the demise of centralized governments and the centralized banks that support them. Ultimately, this will mean the centralized one-world government (the UN) and the central bank (World Bank) that is attempting to emerge under the banner of free trade. See

Because such globalization is destructive, if not impossible, what you are now witnessing in the chaos depicted by consolidated network television is the death throes of centralized systems. This would include the world central banking system (Bank for International Settlements, IMF, World Bank), the WTO, GATT, NAFTA (the elements of MANAGED trade, laughingly spun as "free" trade) and the UN itself (a totalitarian proto-government attempting to rise above the international trade to "manage" it, and thus "justify" its existence).

The very proof that international trade does NOT have to be managed is the fact that the Internet does not have to be managed. From a cosmic perspective, there is no difference between a packet of data traversing the world wide web and a ship of cargo traversing the world wide seas. Thus the justification for globalization -- the act of forcibly opening and managing international trade -- is unnecessary if not foolish. The globalists will use any excuse to justify their existence: global warming, world wars, rampant immigration, helping poor countries, "free" trade, international terror. Don't be surprised if they don't try to use UFO invasions next.

The fact of the matter is: the world does not need to be MANAGED by anyone or any entity. It can MANAGE itself. Thank you for your past work Counsel on Foreign Relations, but your antiquated services is no longer needed.

One could say God has complete access to all information and yet there is no evidence that such higher "management" is actually managing. Why? Because maybe God isn't stupid: "he" has give us FREE WILL. What is free will? Free will is another way of saying "distributed management system." In other words, God/the Universe has opted to use a distributed management system because God/the Universe does not have the time or desire to micro-manage all existence (i.e., intervene with miracles). Humans are thus give a very simple directive: be and experience. And then they are left alone to make their own choices of GOVERNANCE (to use a favorite word of the Foreign Affairs-brainwashed power elite). To the degree this happens, we have an emergent property known as civilization, an entity that NO ONE is qualified to manage, possibly not even God/the Universe -- for the moment some external intelligence, some centralized government, takes action, the energy necessary to carry commands down channels to receiving nodes (people, computers, planets) must be forceful to the degree the entity (government, management body, economy) under command is large. Thus, this force changes the local environment rendering the command inappropriate if not useless or obsolete. One could say this is the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty applied to human networks and civilizations.

Thus it would seem -- if universal observations are any indicator -- the future is not a pretty place for centralized management systems (govs and banks) and in fact, such systems endanger and stagnate civilization. If this consideration is correct, it would be axiomatic and thus already be distributed to humans by the nature of civilization itself, as information does not travel through space, it is space.

07 February 2010

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